HR and Management Consulting
Standalone or Integrated Models
Periodic financial reports measure the success of companies numerically, but according to us, the real dynamic of business life is based on the “Human Factor”. Achieving sustainable growth and stability in a competitive environment primarily depends on the retention of talented employees and their contribution to numerical results. For us, the concepts of asset and resource management and loyal customers are based on the qualifications and good management of your employees. As CGD, our aim is to create integrated Human Resources Management Systems that will support the growth processes in accordance with the company vision and business plans, together with our business partners, and to make success permanent and sustainable in international business environments if necessary.

Why is Performance Management Important?
When a Performance Management System is adopted and implemented in a company, the company's goals (KPIs) become short, clear and understandable. Employees who have a clear understanding of goals know how to fulfill their duties and responsibilities. Managers can also measure the performance and productivity of their team members and determine the extent to which the targets have been achieved using numerical data. In performance management, not only the company goals but also the personal goals of the employees are determined and measured. Thus, the way for the employee to receive technical, vocational, career and soft skill trainings in their own development areas is opened.
How is Performance Management Done?
The Performance Management System is a management consultancy service and is created specifically for each company. This system has two pillars: One is the KPIs created in line with the company's goals and their measurement, and the other is the career goals of the employee.
In the first step of the Performance Management System, KPIs and measurement method are determined by considering the needs, strategies and culture of the company. While determining KPIs and measurement methods, department managers come together. The weight of each department's contribution within the company is determined. The weights of the departments must be 100 in total. For example, considering that the weight of each of the finance, operations, sales and customer relations departments in a company is 25% in the company, it is necessary to obtain a 100% share by combining them all.
After the weights of the departments are determined, their KPIs are determined by considering the job description and responsibilities of the relevant department. It is important that KPIs are short, clear and measurable. After the KPIs are determined, the measurement method of these KPIs is also determined. In short, this method will be a special scoring system created according to the rate at which each KPI is performed.
KPIs are then assigned to employees in the relevant department. While transferring KPIs to the relevant employees, they are explained until there is no question mark. In addition, the method to be used to measure their performance while performing these KPIs is also clearly and unambiguously conveyed. If there are deficiencies regarding the measurement method of the employees, they must be corrected. The employee's KPIs and measurement methods are processed here by creating personalized scorecards.
It is important that employees who understand KPIs and the measurement method accurately record their ongoing and completed tasks on their scorecards. At this point, mentoring of department managers is important. All recorded data are collected at the end of each quarter, scored and analyzed according to the measurement method. Obtained data are categorized both by person, department and general. Thus, many insights are obtained in terms of general workflow and productivity and performance of employees by department. If the performance of the employees is at the desired and expected level, this performance is rewarded in various ways.
In the second step of the Performance Management System, the career and development goals of the employees are established. Establishing this Human Resources Specialist conducts individual interviews with each employee. In these interviews, the aspects that the employee wants to improve, their goals within the company and their career plans are learned. In addition, the motivation and mood of the employee can be determined in these meetings and the problem can be resolved proactively. The information received is noted on personal target cards and studies are initiated to develop them.
What are the Benefits of the Performance Management System?
With an effective Performance Management System;
Company objectives are understood by all employees.
All employees clearly understand what is expected of them and what they should do.
It is ensured that the employees work with a focus on target and efficiency.
Disruptions in the workflow are identified concretely.
Strengths and areas for improvement of departments are identified
The efforts of the employees are evaluated and rewarded fairly.
It is ensured that the employees work in a target-oriented manner and their motivation is increased.
Achievement of internal goals becomes easier.

How can you use the Performance Management System in your company?
CGD Human Resources and Consultancy provides professional support for the Performance Management System in determining the needs and targets of the company, making the targets measurable, implementing the system and analyzing and interpreting the results. Thanks to the professional service provided by CGD Human Resources and Consultancy, you can gain valuable insights about the ways to achieve your company goals and to have a perspective in the same direction as your employees. By noticing your areas of improvement, you can have the opportunity to work on them. Thus, you can increase the efficiency and profitability of your company and ensure that your company grows in a healthy way.